After almost 2 years of anticipation, our 8th album is now live. Plastic Heart is a 12-song collection of the work we've completed most recently. It includes songs written for each other, songs for friends, songs written by friends, and several instrumentals. We almost called the album 'Haid' in reference to our pal Tanner Haid. His fingerprints are all over this album both as a collaborator and editor. He also penned the lyrics to Hector, one of our favorite tracks on this project. Another good friend, Dom Gianninoto, wrote the lyrics to You and I. We are very pleased to have included this song and are happy Dom has been involved with our music.
In addition to Tanner, we would also like to thank our parents, Dylan Assael, Zach Whetzel, Kristian Yeager, Jeff Birdsall, Dom Gianninoto, Bob Maestri, Kevin Wurster, Andrew Treat, Amrik Brar, and all of the members of our beta squad.
Plastic Heart is currently exclusively available from Google Play. Download it for free here.
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