July 23, 2012

Stream Cleaner

Stream Cleaner pinball machine during its playtesting phase

  We recently had an amazing opportunity to assist with the birth of a custom pinball machine.  This project was organized by Cacapon Institute in an effort to shine a light on its massive watershed improvements.  The game allows the player to help guide a drop of water (blue pinball) through various obstacles (cow poop, etc) so that it might make its natural cycle.  The Efts were contacted to provide a looped theme song played through speakers hidden underneath the machine.  We tried to compose a song that reflected the machine's wooden structure and the natural theme of the game.  Wood blocks, marimbas, wood flutes and other wood-based instruments were all given digital makeovers before adding their enhanced sounds to this tune.  Our eternal thanks go out to Tanner Haid.  He was the mastermind behind this entire project and provided an excellent springboard for musical ideas.  Keep up the fantastic work Tanner!


Stream Cleaner
Keep the water out of goop.
Steer the water from the poop.
Help it cycle through its loop.
Save the water from pollution.