October 27, 2015

We Chose This Life

This tune is for Lolo for her 2015 birthday gift song.  After 25 years of co-existence, a song with a more serious tone was in order.  We carefully chose our life.  We cultivated it through our choices, our methods, our love and our desire for one another.  We focus on living simplistically, with few complications and more freedoms.  As we begin the next 25 years together our love continues to grow.  It's our life and we chose it.  I love you Lolo!

Big thanks to Tanner Haid for his help with the edits on this one.


Looking at the back of your head
Watching you work
And then you turn
Looking at the back of my head
Watching me play
We never learn
We never learn
We chose this life.
We chose it
We chose this life
Tell me when you're on the way home
Your shift is done
Your mind is numb
I make up a dinner at home
The table's set
I made the bed
Another day
is gone away
We chose it
We chose this life
We chose it
We chose this life
We made this
We mold this
We fold this
We hold it
We told it so
We shoulder
the load is so
the load is so light
We chose it
We chose it
We chose this life
We chose it
We chose this life
The Earth revolves
Time dissolves
And we've evolved
(The load is so light)
We pass the days
They pass away
And we're okay
We're here to stay
We chose it
We chose this life
(The load is so light)
We chose it
We chose this life
(The load is so light)
We chose it
We chose it
We chose it
We chose this life
(The load is so light)
We chose it
We chose this life