December 10, 2013

The Efts on Indie69's Best of 2013 Playlist!

Download the amazing playlist here -->  Indie69bestOf2013

We've received several great honors during our tenure as active musicians.  These include hearing our music on The Most Popular Girls on the Internet and Radio Free Hipster, seeing our stuff available for free on Google Play, and being included in various playlists aggregated by Indie69.  Last week we were floored to discover our version of Strangers has been included in the Indie69 Best of 2013 playlist.  For those of you who follow this blog, you no doubt already know of Indie69 and his work.  We can't thank him enough for his never-ending sonic beam.  Being part of this particular playlist is an amazing way to end the year.  Thanks so much Indie!  You'll always have a place in our hearts and our souls.