April 30, 2012

The Efts on Hipster, Please! (third time's a charm)

Check out the podcast! --> Radio Free Hipster Ep. 132: One Foot in the Queso

Wooooooooo!!  For those of us who like to listen to nerd music, Hipster, Please! is a known motherland.  We wish we were aware of Z's efforts at the genesis of his project, but we didn't discover Radio Free Hipster until episode 50 or so.  Since then, the vast majority of new music we've heard has been courtesy of discoveries made through Z's tireless work.  With every episode, Radio Free Hipster serves up an ultrasonic variety of nerdly music from around the geek spectrum.  This time we're thrilled to say we've been included in the podcast with our latest song Andrew Treat Does Everything Right.  Z, thanks for continuing to provide our primary venue and a source of support for nerd music addicts like ourselves.

April 27, 2012

Andrew Treat Does Everything Right

...or you can check the YouTube version -->  Andrew Treat Does Everything Right - The Efts

This tune is dedicated to our pal Andrew Treat (AT).  A perfect host and delightful friend, AT has been the focal point for several of our adventures over the last decade.  This song reflects an entirely true tale of a weekend which occured about a decade ago. Here's one of the reasons AT is so cool: that same weekend he took all of the partygoers to see this giant mound of alcohol he purchased for the party. I was the only non-drinker there, and he took me aside and pointed out a whole case of orange soda he had picked up for me. Andrew Treat does everything right.


We were at this party, it was going great.
We were there at Andrew's, at his awesome place.
It was still daytime and we played basketball.
Right out in front of his house, we could play basketball.
Andrew Treat does everything right.

It was almost evening and we needed to rent games
So we drove to Blockbuster in his Honda Prelude
He had a Honda Prelude with a loud stereo.
We listened to rap music on his loud stereo.

Just like I always wanted.
Andrew Treat does everything right.

We got to Blockbuster and we picked out all our games
We went to the counter and he paid for all our games.
He just rented our games without paying late fees.
He paid no late fees and just rented games.

I want basketball, I want Preludes.
I want rentals without late dues.

April 24, 2012

We Really Like Tim Gunn

or you can check the YouTube version --> We Really Like Tim Gunn - The Efts

This song is dedicated to our favorite television personality.  Tim Gunn is consistently smooth-styled, even-tempered and uncommonly cool.  Thanks for all the years of entertainment Tim!  Your influence inspires.  You continue to be our imaginary mentor.  A special thanks goes out to KY for the mind-bending image used in this post.


Sometimes we lack our motivation.
Sometimes we lack the will to make it through the day.
Verification is just a way to say
we're making it okay. 
It's gonna be okay.

Sometimes we need a coach.
A guide to point the way
because they've been that way before.
One that wouldn't yell or make us feel real small.
One with patience and a suit.
He could gently hint about an angle that we missed.
And we'd make a little list to remind us of his words.

That's why we really like Tim Gunn.
We really like Tim Gunn.

We'd have him here for dinner if we could.
And we'd talk about his life and he'd pet our little dog.
Good times would be had by all.